Around Arroyomolinos is Navalcarnero, Móstoles, Alcorcón, Fuenlabrada, Moraleja, Cotorredondo, Parla, Pinto...
This are the coordinates of Arroyomolinos, it has mediterranean climate because the summers are hot and dry and the winters are wet and cool.
Here are many transports like, buses, but usually people go on car. There aren't any train. Here there are a lot of population, approximately there are between 15.000 and 18.000.
The first mayor of Arroyomolinos was Gomez de Toledo.
Now, our mayor is Juan Velarde.
At first Arroyomolinos was a little town with many houses and a tower at the centre of it. And now is a big town with a lot of children and people liing in it, it has a lot of houses, parks, roads, ...
We went to the park next to the high school; from there we can see Gredos, Navalcarnero, Navacerrada mountains, hills, meadows, ...
And here there are some photos:
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